Footsteps in the sands of time
Highschool yearbook editor! And so the journey to layout, technology, and communication begins...
Maps and deserts
I went to the University of Arizona and worked at the Arizona Remote Sensing Center. We made online mapping tools to aid land management and ran outreach programs to help non-techies use them (aka, Geospatial Extension).
Alternative A, B, or C?
I worked as an environmental planner at the URS Corporation. We analyzed environmental decision alternatives and helped people understand what this would mean for them.
And now, in Chinese
My graduate work is in Chinese environmental policy (ask me about Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia drylands management sometime). A great way to practice conveying information succinctly yet clearly is by learning another language! 我也会讲普通话 ^_^
Be my satellite
Science communication was the name of the game at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Satellite and Information Service. Here, I worked on international and interagency data sharing as well as general digital communications strategy.
Technology innovation
I was a Presidential Innovation Fellow at the Department of the Interior working on making public data more accessible and understandable. Check out the U.S. Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, which is part of an international effort to promote open and accountable management of natural resources.
Good enough for government
I helped start 18F, a new office inside the General Services Administration that provides technology and design services to other parts of the U.S. government. They're bringing modern, efficient, user-centered services to an agency near you!
The design of tomorrow, today
I was an Experience Design Director with Tomorrow Partners, a design firm based in California. We helped organizations achieve greater impact through design with a people centered design approach that makes teams more effective, customers more receptive, and clients just plain happy.
Decentralized data stewardship
I worked on IPFS and IPFS Cluster, researching and guiding product direction for what sustainable data stewardship could look like on the decentralized web. IPFS is an open-source network protocol from Protocol Labs; I built out their first design team, too.
Look ma, no code!
I was Director of Engineering at OpenCities, a fast-growing company helping local gov transform their digital citizen experience without code. I supported agile delivery practices across our product team, and on the side, managed our DevSecOps team as well.
Let's go fly a kite
I'm happy to say I'm part of the Buildkite team, product managering a new tool into the world called Test Analytics to help engineering teams find and fix problematic tests in their CI pipelines. It's fun, and we talk about pie a lot 😋🥧.
Want all the details?
Here's my résumé (205 kb pdf), the long version. 😁